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a mother holding her baby

10 Best Baby Bedtime Lullaby Songs

The study of sound and words Many linguistic studies have shown that sounds of words are not accidental. People have some, let’s say, prejudices about the meaning of certain words…

Featured image for Nursery bedroom ideas

Nursery Bedroom Ideas

What are the characteristics of a nursery? Overall, you want a nursery to be a welcoming space. That is the main goal. There are the more obvious pieces of furniture…

Woman breastfeeding

Postpartum Insomnia

3 main causes of postpartum insomnia Stress, grief, an unfamiliar sleeping environment, hard work or a bad sleeping environment can be the causes of insomnia. This type of insomnia is…

a featured image of how to get baby to sleep in crib

How To Get Baby To Sleep In Crib?

Why does my baby not want to sleep in the crib? It is known that babies like to have their own permanent place to sleep. That means they can be…

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