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10 Positive Thoughts Before Bed That You Need to Fill Your Head With

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Written By Anđela Rajković

Sleep Consultant

Featured image for positive thoughts before bed.

24 May 2024 3 min read

Are you ready to end your day on a positive note? Let's talk about the power of positive thoughts before bed.

Good evening, my fellow positive thinkers! Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of positive thoughts before bed?

It's time to trade in those racing thoughts and endless worries for some uplifting and inspiring ideas to help you drift off into dreamland. So, grab your favourite cosy blanket, settle into your comfiest pillows, and let's explore the benefits of cultivating positivity before hitting the hay.

Why are you having trouble sleeping?

An image of a woman having trouble sleeping,

Have you ever found yourself staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, and struggling to fall asleep? You're not alone! Many of us have trouble sleeping at some point in our lives, and it can be frustrating, to say the least. So, why do we have so much trouble catching those Z's?

Let's break it down:

  • Stress and anxiety: When you're feeling stressed or anxious, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that can make it harder to fall asleep. Racing thoughts and worries can also keep you up at night.

What negative thinking (racing thoughts) does to our body and mind

An image of a person with negative thoughts looking out the window unhappy

Negative thoughts can do a number on our bodies and minds. It's like a pesky fly buzzing around, distracting us from the good things in life. Those anxious thoughts and unwanted worries can cause mental stress that keeps us from falling asleep and getting the quality sleep we need. It's like a never-ending cycle of negativity that leaves us feeling exhausted, both mentally and physically.

But here's the thing: our minds are like gardens, and we get to choose what we plant. So, let's plant some positive thoughts and watch them grow into a beautiful, peaceful oasis.

And, what positive thinking does to our body and mind

An imahge of a happy woman thinking.

Positive thinking is like a warm, fuzzy blanket that envelops us in calm and tranquillity. It can help us sleep better and more peacefully by filling our minds with calming thoughts instead of stressful ones. When we focus on positive thoughts, we invite joy and contentment into our lives, and that can do wonders for our mental health.

So, let's fill our minds with positivity and let those good vibes carry us into a blissful slumber. After all, a good night's sleep is the key to waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever the day may bring.

Some bedtime affirmations for better quality sleep and better quality life

An image of a woman smiling and holding two thumbs up

Positive affirmations are phrases or statements that help to shift your mindset into a more positive and optimistic state. They work by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and can help reduce stress and anxiety, and promote better sleep.

Incorporating positive affirmations into your nighttime routine, such as reciting them before bed or writing them in a gratitude journal, can help you end your day on a positive note and promote peaceful sleep.

Positive thoughts before bed

Here are ten positive thoughts that you can say, read, or write before bed to help promote better sleep and happy thoughts:


To conclude, incorporating positive thoughts into your nighttime routine can greatly improve the quality of your sleep and overall mental health.

By replacing negative and anxious thoughts with calming and positive affirmations, you can create a more peaceful environment for yourself.

Remember to practice gratitude and focus on happy thoughts before bed, and even consider keeping a gratitude journal to reflect on your blessings. With a little effort and intention, you can transform your nighttime routine and enjoy a better, more restful sleep. And if you have any other positive thoughts before bed that help you fall asleep, share them with us in the comments.

Sweet dreams!

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About the author

Anđela Rajković
As a CPD certified Sleep Consultant and well-practiced sleep enthusiast, I find a lot of joy in bringing my expertise to our readers – preferably those who love to sleep. With a background in the English language and literature and a love of research, I'm always seeking new ways to share the latest sleep science and bed-related findings. And, when I'm not connecting with my readers, you can find me exploring the great outdoors, or, well, curling up in bed.
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